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Do You Really Need A Business Website?

Yes, it gives you instant credibility and can be your most important and trusted employee to help your customers / visitors learn more about you and your business as well as help them with what ails them.

We Can Help

We will build a fast-loading, secure, scalable, and search engine optimized (SEO) website using the WordPress platform (used by over 30% of websites on the internet) that adds value to your business.

What Does Your Business Do?

Let’s get to know one another. If we understand you, your business, your pain, your fear and your problems, this will help us build the website that works for you.

Who Is Your Target Audience?

We need to understand who your target audience is and what you want them to do when they visit your site.

We will show you how to measure your website success, using Google Analytics.

Remember when writing content, you are writing it for humans, not robots, so make it interesting and helpful for your audience — your customers.

Visitors to your website will scroll down your page – it is a myth that they do not. Use bold headlines and bullet points, because they are scanning your site, not really reading it.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

  • Search engines like fast-loading websites.
  • Search engines like mobile-friendly websites.
  • Search engines like content (words), remember Content is King, and they love fresh content.
  • You, the owner, CEO or someone from leadership should write a blog.

We will show you how to use SEO tools to help you write your content whether in a page or a blog.

Make sure you show the benefits of your service or product to the visitor, not just the features of it.


Phil Kane, Web developer

Hi, I’m Phil Kane, developer and founder of Business Websites, Et cetera. I have been building websites and web applications since 1998 and I would love to help make your business more successful with a new or improved website. To get to know me better check out my personal website — PhilEKane.com.

Business Website Value

Your business has value, let us help you make it more valuable.

We only take on projects when our valuation team and you, our potential client, agree that the value we are creating with the website, is worth more than the price we are charging.

Our Service Guarantee

We can’t guarantee outcomes; but like price, the quality of your website is another thing we can guarantee up front. If you think the quality of your website didn’t match what was agreed upon, let us know and tell us how you think that should be reflected in the price you pay.

Et cetera

We can manage your hosting of your website as well as maintenance.

Managed Hosting

  • $30 a month
  • Includes 2 hours a month for basic security and updates, keeping your website shipshape
  • After 2 hours, any other work is billable at $65 an hour

Custom WordPress Plugins

If you have an idea for a plugin, we will be happy to help make that a reality.

Business Strategies

We can connect you with specialized strategists:

Email Marketing

It takes a concerted effort and an effective campaign to get the attention in busy inboxes.

Content Marketing

Create a content marketing strategy that will build your online audience.

Social Media

Attention through social media sites starts with — good content that’s useful and relevant to your targeted audience.